Information on the treatment of personal data of website users (hereafter named “website”) according to art. 13 of EU Regulation 2016/769.
According to EU regulation 2016/769 (hereafter named “Regulation”), this page describes the way we treat personal data of Palagi Marine Lights srl unipersonale (hereafter named Owner) website, accessible online from the address
This information does not apply to other websites, pages or online services reachable through hypertext links eventually published on the website, but referred to third parties.
Ownership of personal data treatment:
Palagi Marine Lights srl unipersonale
Via dei Carpentieri, 75/77
55040 Capezzano Pianore – Camaiore (LU) Italy
Cod. Fisc. e P.IVA 02306910460
Capitale Sociale € 10.000,00 interamente versato
Registro Imprese di Lucca N. 02306910460
Numero REA LU-214854
Personal Data collected for the following objectives and using the following services:
- In order to contact the user
- Contact form and mailing list or newsletter
Contact form: Name, Surname, Company name, Email, Telephone, Fax, space for message
This data are filled in by the user in order to receive information or contacs from the company, they are monitored but they are not used for commercial communication and newsletters.
Reserved area for designers and project managers: Name, Surname, Company name, Email, Mobile Telephone, Telephone, Fax, Address
This data are provided by the users in order to download data sheet and technical lighting data of our items, they are monitored but not used commercial communication and newsletters.
Newsletter: Name, Surname, Company name, Email
This data are managed through Mailchimp services, were there are the lists of contacts collected with express consent and spontaneous newsletter subscriptions.
The newsletter is sent with a regularity of once in a month except for specific times of the year (Christmas, Holidays, etc,) when there might be more than a newsletter a month.
Users have always the chance to cancel their subscription from the mailing list or to update their data.
- Contact form and mailing list or newsletter
- Statistics
- Google Analytics
Personal Data: Cookie and use data
- Google Analytics
- Contents from external platforms visibility
- Our compnay has social media profiles on Twitter, Linkedin (a personal profile at the name of one our employees which is exclusively used for our business goals), Instagram, Pinterest and Youtube, Data of people interacting on social media with comments, likes, direct messages are not registered and stored, and they are not used for statistics or commercial purposes.
For these data treatment is anyway necessary to refer to the specific platforms privacy poilicy statements.
- Our compnay has social media profiles on Twitter, Linkedin (a personal profile at the name of one our employees which is exclusively used for our business goals), Instagram, Pinterest and Youtube, Data of people interacting on social media with comments, likes, direct messages are not registered and stored, and they are not used for statistics or commercial purposes.
Further information on Personal Data
Data treatment features and location
The owner treats personal data of site Users adopting the specific safety measures meant to prevent the unauthorized access, sharing, change and cancellation of the personal data.
Treatment is done through IT tools, organizational procedures and strategies that are strictly aiming to the above mentioned goals. Besides the Owner, is some cases there might be an access to data by other people with a specific task in the website organization (accountancy, sales, marketing, legal, system administrators) or external people (third parties services providers, postal courriers, hosting providers, IT companies, communication agencies), appointed, if necessary, as Responsable for the Treatment by the owner.
The list of the Responsibles can always be asked for to the Treatment Owner.
Data are treated at operative facilities of the Owner and in any other place the involed parties might be located. For further information contact the Owner.
Data are treated for the time necessary to the suppliance of the service required by the user, or to the general goals described in this document. The User can anyway always ask for the treatment interruption or data cancellation.
Court trials data use
User personal data could be used for Owner defense in trials and the User acknowledges that the Owner might be required to reveil data by Public Authority.
Specific information
The Owner could provide the requiring user of addictional information on specific services or data collection and treatment.
System log and maintenance
For the correct functioning and maintenance needs, this website, and the possible third parties services could collect system logs, therefore files registering interactions and that might include also personal data as user IP address.
Information non included in this policy
Further information on personal data treatment can always be reqested to the Treatment Owner using contact information.
Users rights execution
People referred to by Personal Data can verify the existance of the Data at Treatment Owners facilitites, they have the right to know the content and the origin, check if they are correct and ask for integrations, cancellation, update and transformation into anonymous data, besides asking to stop Personal Data use against law provisions, and they can anyway claim for the stop to the treatment. The request must be addressed to Treatment owner.
This website does not support the requests “do not track”. Please check third parties services policies in order to verify if they support this option.
Most of the cookies we use are so-called “session cookies.” They are automatically deleted after your visit. Other cookies remain in your device’s memory until you delete them. These cookies make it possible to recognize your browser when you next visit the site.
You can configure your browser to inform you about the use of cookies so that you can decide on a case-by-case basis whether to accept or reject a cookie. Alternatively, your browser can be configured to automatically accept cookies under certain conditions or to always reject them, or to automatically delete cookies when closing your browser. Disabling cookies may limit the functionality of this website.
Cookies which are necessary to allow electronic communications or to provide certain functions you wish to use (such as the shopping cart) are stored pursuant to Art. 6 paragraph 1, letter f of GDPR. The website operator has a legitimate interest in the storage of cookies to ensure an optimized service provided free of technical errors. If other cookies (such as those used to analyze your surfing behavior) are also stored, they will be treated separately in this privacy policy.
Cookies we use and their goal
The use of technical cookies doesn’t require the express consent by the user according to art. 122 comma1 D.LGS 196/2003. This cookies can activate some functions needed to the full use of the webiste.
Technical cookies we use:
These cookies can be unactive or cancelled through browser settings.
Profiling cookies: needed for advertising campaign and customized messages
Third parties cookies
- Google Analytics
This website uses Google Analytics monitoring system, and its data management are stored according to the policy you can find here:
The user can disable Google Analytics action with specific tools you can find here: - Google Maps
This site uses third parties cookies in order to encode Google Maps maps. Further info here;
To disable these cookies: - YouTube
This site uses third parties cookies from Youtube. Further info here;
To disable these cookies:
Cookies management
Each browers has its specific cookies management, find a selection here:
Internet Explorer:
Anonymous surfing
Please select anonymous surfing option if you don’t want to accept the listed cookies.
Privacy policy variations
The treatment Owner keeps the right to modify this privacy policy statement any time, updating website users on this page.
Please check this page for updates often, rererring to the date at the bottom of the page as the updating correct time.
If you don’t accept changes to this policy please remove your personal data. If nothing is specified, the privacy policy applies to the data collected.
Last modified on May 28th 2018